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Hi everyone. I'm Fajar 23 years old. I'm your new friend! That's my name. I'm from Yogyakarta. So it's really nice to meet you all, I really do want you to subscribe at the end so you will get to see my new site.

I am an introvert. What's an "introvert"? This is a kind of person who, actually, just prefers to spend a lot of time alone. But people misunderstand introverts, and they always think that it means "shy". They think that every introvert is shy, and I wouldn't say I'm shy. It's just the way my personality is. For me, when I spend time alone, that's kind of, like, how I get energy. And then after, I feel good again, and I can go out into the world. But most people in the world, they're, actually, opposite to me. They are extroverts, okay? And this means that -- when you are an "extrovert", you just love to be around people all the time, and that's what makes you feel great, basically. So we've got some people who are extroverts in the world, and we've got some people who are introverts in the world.


So we're going to talk a little bit about these guys and give advice for, you know, the majority of you watching this video. But we're also going to look at the introvert perspective because this is something that I just found out myself when I was trying to learn languages. I found out that, although I didn't realize it at the time, I was just really slow. Like, I'd be trying to remember a word and really, really slow, and everybody else has already said it or everybody else has already finished. Like, the words came really, really slowly to me. But I always understood a lot, and that confused me because I'd think sometimes, "I'm just rubbish at this language." But I understood a lot. So my speaking wasn't as advanced as my other skills in the language. It's not something I realized until later. I wish I'd seen a video like this to help me explain why.  

Let's have a look at the introvert, the person who likes to spend time alone a lot of the time. For them, you could say their motto is, "It's just me, myself, and I." Happy to be alone. You could also say an introvert at a party is more likely to be a "wallflower". A "wallflower" is someone who's not going to start conversation with anyone, who's not going to be dancing around having great, amazing conversations. The wallflower is going to be a bit shy and is going to wait for other people to come to talk to them. And the introvert, also, likes to have deep and meaningful conversations, okay? Doesn't like small talk. Doesn't like chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter -- likes to talk on a meaningful level.

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